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Coventry Local Schools


Special Services Programs

Coventry Local Schools Special Services are included in the following categories:

  1. Multi-handicapped
  2. Specific Learning Disabled
  3. Hearing Impaired
  4. Visually Impaired
  5. Emotionally Disturbed
  6. Intellectual Disabilities
  7. Orthopedic or Other Health Impaired
  8. Autism
  9. Traumatic Brain Injury
  10. Preschool

Related services are also available and include Adapted Physical Education, Attendants, Audiological Services, Guides, Interpreters, Occupational Therapy, Orientation and Mobility, Physical Therapy, Reader Services, School Psychology Services, Speech and Language Therapy, Vocational Special Education Coordination, Work-Study Services, and Special Transportation.

1.  Multi-handicapped

Students who qualify for educational services in the area of multi-handicapped evidence two or more disabilities mentioned above

(with the exception of specific learning disabilities) and moderate, severe or profound deficits in communication or adaptive behavior.

2.  Specific Learning Disabled

Students who qualify for educational services in the area of specific learning disability evidence difficulty in one or more of the basic processes involved in understanding or using language (spoken or written).  This difficulty is then evidenced in the student’s ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or perform mathematical calculations.

A specific learning disability is evidenced by a severe discrepancy between intellectual ability and achievement, which adversely affects the student’s educational performance to such a degree that special education and related services are required in one or more of the following seven areas: (a) oral expression, (b) listening comprehension, (c) written expression, (d) basic reading skills, (e) reading comprehension, (f) mathematics calculation, or (g) mathematical reasoning.

3.  Hearing Impaired

Students who qualify for educational services in the area of hearing disability evidence a hearing loss which adversely affects educational performance in a regular classroom setting.

The students evidences: (a) an average pure tone hearing loss of 50 decibels or greater, according to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for the frequencies 500, 1000 and 2000 Hertz in the better ear, or (b) an average pure tone hearing loss of 25 decibels or greater (ANSI) for the frequencies 500, 1000, and 2000 Hertz in the better ear, which has an adverse affect upon the student’s educational performance.

4.  Visually Impaired

Students who qualify for educational services in the area of visually impaired evidence a visual disability which, even with correction, adversely affects educational performance in a regular classroom setting.

The student evidences: (a) a visual impairment, not primarily perceptual in nature, resulting in a measured visual acuity of 20/70 or poorer in the better eye with correction, or (b) a physical eye condition that affects visual functioning to the extent that special education placement, materials, and/or services are required in an educational setting.

5. Emotionally Disturbed

Students who qualify for educational services in the area of emotionally disturbed evidence one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree, which adversely affects educational performance: (a) an inability to learn, which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or other health factors, (b) and inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers, (c) inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances, (d) a general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression, or (e) a tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems.

6.  Intellectual Disabilities

Students who qualify for services in the area of intellectual disabilities evidence (a) a measured intelligence quotient of eighty (80) or below, (b) deficits in academic performance, and (c) deficits in adaptive behavior in at least two areas which adversely affect educational performance and/or independent daily living skills.

7.  Orthopedic and/or other Health Impaired

Students who quality for services in the area of orthopedic or other health impaired evidence a congenital or acquired physical disability which adversely affects educational performance.  Such disabilities may be caused by congenital anomaly, disease, or other causes.

8. Autism

Students who qualify for services in the area of autistic impaired evidence a neurological disability that interferes with the development of reasoning, social interaction, and communication.

9.  Traumatic Brain Injury

Students who qualify for services in the area of traumatic brain injury evidence a traumatic brain injury which interferes with their ability to function in the cognitive, social, and physical domains.

10.  Preschool

Students who qualify for services in the area of preschool handicapped are (a) at least three years old but not six years old on the first day of school and (b) evidence a disability, in one or more areas of development, which adversely affects normal development and functioning.  These developmental areas include: adaptive behavior, cognitive ability, communication, hearing ability, preacademic skills, sensory motor skills, social and emotional development and behavior, vision ability, and medical status.

Related Services:

Adapted Physical Education Services

Students who qualify for adapted physical education services evidence disabilities that preclude integration into the regular physical education classes.

Attendant Services

Students who qualify for attendant services evidence disabilities which  require assistance with personal and health care needs in the educational setting.

Audiological Services

Students who qualify for audiological services receive diagnostic services to identify the range, nature and degree of hearing loss, habilitative services (auditory training, speech reading), and consultation regarding amplification needs.


Students who qualify for guide services evidence visual disabilities which require assistance in travel within the educational setting.


Students who qualify for interpreter services evidence hearing disabilities which require oral, simultaneous or manual interpreting, translating, reverse interpreting, or reverse translating.

Occupational Therapy

Students who qualify for occupational therapy services evidence functions which are impaired or lost through illness, injury or deprivation.  The students evidence disabilities in the areas of fine motor control and functional skills.

Orientation and Mobility Services

Students who qualify for orientation and mobility services evidence visual disabilities which require assistance developing skills to travel safely within the environment.

Physical Therapy

Students who qualify for physical therapy services evidence disabilities in the areas of gross motor control, mobility, and balance.

Reader Services

Students who qualify for reader services evidence visual disabilities which require school assignment to be read orally to them.

School Psychology Services

The school psychologist is part of the multi-factored evaluation team which evaluates students who may qualify for special education services.  The school psychologist administers tests which evaluate cognitive ability, academic achievement, motor functioning, and emotional/behavioral functioning. 

Speech and Language Therapy

Students who qualify for speech and language therapy services evidence one or more of the following disabilities which adversely affect educational performance: (a) language disability - a significant discrepancy exists between developmental norms and the student’s performance in receptive and/or expressive oral language, (b) articulation disability - speech which contains consistent misarticulations, additions, substitutions, distortions, or omissions of one or more phonemes, (c) fluency disability - the flow of speech is interrupted by repetitions or prolongations of sound, syllable, word or articulatory posture and the disruptions evoke negative reactions from the speaker and/or listener, (d) voice disability - difficulties in the areas of pitch, quality, and/or loudness.

 Vocational Special Education Coordination

Students who qualify for vocational special education coordinator services receive assistance in vocational planning, placement, and monitoring of progress.

Work-Study Services

Students who qualify for work-study services receive assistance in the areas of : (a) prevocational services, (b) in-school work experiences, (c) sheltered workshop, (d) community work experience, or (e) vocational education.

Special Transportation

Student who qualify for special transportation evidence disabilities which adversely affect riding safely in a regular bus.