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Coventry Local Schools

AESOP Basics (Teachers)

AESOP Employee User Guide

How do I create an absence?
You either go to the web site or use the phone.
How far in advance can I schedule an absence?
WEB: 180 days
PHONE: 30 days
For how many consecutive days can I schedule an absence?
You can schedule as many days as needed up to 5 days. If more are needed, you must contact a system administrator.
How can I view all the days I have taken off?
WEB: Absence History for the last 90 days.
How can I see who is substituting for me?
WEB: Absence History to view the substitute.
How do I cancel an absence?
WEB: View MY SCHEDULE. Select the Confirmation Number of the absence you wish to cancel.
PHONE: Follow the voice prompts and AESOP will ask for the Confirmation Number of the absence you wish to cancel.
How do I add substitutes to my Preferred Substitute List?
WEB: Preferred Substitutes Tab. Select those substitutes you wish to add to you list.
How do I write Feedback on a substitute?
WEB: The following day AESOP will allow you to enter feedback regarding the substitute. On the Home Page click Enter Feedback on this substitute.