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Coventry Local Schools

Journey of a Comet

The Coventry Local Schools’ Board of Education adopted the “Journey of a Comet” to be our portrait of a graduate in April of 2022. This Journey encompasses our students voyage from Kindergarten through their final year of graduation. The vision acts as our “North Star” for the district and will be a guide for our Strategic Planning process that will begin next Fall.
The Journey of a Comet was created by a dedicated, caring and devoted committee of almost 50 people consisting of students, staff, parents, community members and business owners. These stakeholders met over the course of several months to accomplish many tasks involved in this process, one of the most important being narrowing down and deciding which core competency traits ALL Coventry students should represent when their journey through our schools is complete. After wonderful discussion and collaboration, the group agreed that we want our students to display the following things upon their transition from our schools into their next phase of life – either college, work force or military:
  • Accountability, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Empathy, Perseverance, Problem Solving and Responsibility
A special thank you to all of our committee members but definitely to our design team that truly worked in finalizing our visual representation of the Journey of a Comet – Mr. John Hutchinson and Mrs. Laura McGraw.

Journey of a Comet


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