NEW Open Enrollment Information: Instructions on how to apply as a NEW open enrollment student in Coventry Local Schools for the 25-26 School Year are below. New Open Enrollment Applications will started being accepted on 3/1/25 and closing date will be based on open spots being filled.
25-26 Application will not be available until 3/1/25
Steps for New Open Enrollment Applications (APPLICATION NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL 3/1/25):
- Download/Print OE Application Form and complete (form linked above). You may also pick up from the Office of Enrollment.
- The following documents must be provided with the completed application. The applicant is responsible for providing copies of these documents - We can not make copies for you.
- Birth Certificate – must be a Certified Health Department document. Hospital Birth Record is not accepted.
- Social Security Card of Applicant
- Report Card – must be the most recent for the current grade level. Excludes KG, HS transcript is acceptable.
- Shot Record
- Custody Papers – If there has been a Separation, Divorce, or Legal Guardianship, paperwork MUST be provided. If the applicant’s name listed on the Certified Birth Certificate does not match the parent's information – documentation for proof of custody will be required.
- Parent Photo ID
- TWO Forms of Proof of Residency in the Parent/Legal Guardian's name and current month – Utility Bill (gas, electric, water, cable, phone bill), Payroll deposit, Mortgage statement, Bank Statement, Insurance documents (car, homeowner, medical), Government correspondence. Do not copy envelopes, please provide a statement that shows the name, address, and date.
- Documents we do not accept as Proof of Residency – Credit Card Statements, EOB or Medical Bills, Lease/Rental agreements, general mail, driver's License, Voter Registration, Post Office Change of address, etc.
- IEP and ETR – Must have BOTH documents (only applicable for special education students)
Returning the Application & requested Documents*:
- Email (preferred): Scan and email all required documents to the Office of Enrollment at: [email protected]. You will receive an email to confirm receipt.
- In-person: Leave your completed packet with Stacey Hartwig at the Office of Enrollment at 3089 Manchester Rd., Akron, OH 44319 (enter at door 6) between the hours of 7:30 am-3:30 pm. Parking is on the side of the building.
- Mail all items to Coventry Local Schools – Office of Enrollment, 3089 Manchester Rd., Akron, OH 44319.
The applicant is responsible for providing copies of these documents - We can not make copies for you. We do not accept partial applications, please make sure you have all the requested documents prior to submitting your application.
*Multiple Children - If you have children in more than one building, you can include all of the applications in one envelope/email. The applications will be sorted and sent to the appropriate locations on your behalf.
Updated 2/5/2025