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Coventry Local Schools


NEW Open Enrollment Applications for the 25-26 School-Year

NEW Open Enrollment Information:  Instructions on how to apply as a NEW open enrollment student in Coventry Local Schools for the 25-26 School Year are below. New Open Enrollment Applications will started being accepted on 3/1/25 and closing date will be based on open spots being filled.

25-26 Application will not be available until 3/1/25

Steps for New Open Enrollment Applications (APPLICATION NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL 3/1/25):
  1. Download/Print OE Application Form and complete (form linked above). You may also pick up from the Office of Enrollment.
  2. The following documents must be provided with the completed application. The applicant is responsible for providing copies of these documents - We can not make copies for you.
  1. Birth Certificate – must be a Certified Health Department document. Hospital Birth Record is not accepted.
  2. Social Security Card of Applicant
  3. Report Card – must be the most recent for the current grade level. Excludes KG, HS transcript is acceptable.
  4. Shot Record
  5. Custody Papers – If there has been a Separation, Divorce, or Legal Guardianship, paperwork MUST be provided. If the applicant’s name listed on the Certified Birth Certificate does not match the parent's information – documentation for proof of custody will be required.
  6. Parent Photo ID
  7. TWO Forms of Proof of Residency in the Parent/Legal Guardian's name and current month – Utility Bill (gas, electric, water, cable, phone bill), Payroll deposit, Mortgage statement, Bank Statement, Insurance documents (car, homeowner, medical), Government correspondence. Do not copy envelopes, please provide a statement that shows the name, address, and date.
    1. Documents we do not accept as Proof of Residency – Credit Card Statements, EOB or Medical Bills, Lease/Rental agreements, general mail, driver's License, Voter Registration, Post Office Change of address, etc.
  8. IEP and ETR – Must have BOTH documents (only applicable for special education students) 
Returning the Application & requested Documents*:
  1. Email (preferred): Scan and email all required documents to the Office of Enrollment at: [email protected]. You will receive an email to confirm receipt.
  2. In-person: Leave your completed packet with Stacey Hartwig at the Office of Enrollment at 3089 Manchester Rd., Akron, OH 44319 (enter at door 6) between the hours of 7:30 am-3:30 pm. Parking is on the side of the building. 
  3. Mail all items to Coventry Local Schools – Office of Enrollment, 3089 Manchester Rd., Akron, OH 44319.
The applicant is responsible for providing copies of these documents - We can not make copies for you. We do not accept partial applications, please make sure you have all the requested documents prior to submitting your application.

*Multiple Children - If you have children in more than one building, you can include all of the applications in one envelope/email. The applications will be sorted and sent to the appropriate locations on your behalf.   


 If you have questions please email the Office of Enrollment at [email protected].

Updated 2/5/2025

Enrollment Information

If you have moved into the Coventry Local School District please contact the Office of Enrollment at 330-245-2043 or email [email protected] to start the registration process for resident enrollment.
Open Enrollment Applications for the 24-25 school year
Open Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is closed. 

Updated 2/5/25