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Coventry Local Schools

2012-2013 Goals

Assurance Area: Standards and Assessments

For the 2012 – 2013 school year Coventry is continuing the transition process to Ohio’s New Learning Standards, the Common Core, and the Next Generation Assessments. Here is a general description of the activities that will be taking place at each level throughout the year:

  • High School: This year we will be focusing on providing our HS teachers with professional development that involves deconstructing the standards, establishing Clear Learning Targets, and aligning course curriculum guides.
  • Middle and Intermediate School: The middle and intermediate school teachers will work to update their current Short-Cycle Assessment system by accomplishing the following: training on the new and revised standards for each content area, updating the current formative assessment process, and re-aligning their curriculum guides.
  • Elementary: At the elementary level, all of our teachers have been trained on the Common Core Standards, they have develop Clear Learning Targets, and established corresponding curriculum guides. Our Kindergarten teachers have also developed Short-Cycle Assessments for reading and administering those assessment throughout this school year. The first and second grade teachers will be developing their grade-level Short-Cycle Assessments this year. The first and second grade SCAswill actually be administered to the students during the 2013 – 2014 school year.

-As you can read, there is a lot of work that needs to be accomplished in the area of Standards & Assessments over the course of this school year and next year. However, everyone is very focused, working hard, and dedicated to making sure that we (teachers, students, and administrators) are all prepared for the 2014 – 2015 school year.