Coventry Local School District – Board of Education
Data and Records Retention: Board Policy EHA
All recordsl are the property of the District and are not removed, destroyed, mutilated, transferred or otherwise damaged or disposed of, in whole or in part, except as provided by law or under the rules adopted by the District Records Commission. Such records shall be delivered by outgoing officials and employees to their successors and shall not be otherwise removed, transferred or destroyed unlawfully.
The District Records Commission is composed of the Board President, the Treasurer, and the Superintendent and meets at least once every 12 months.
The function of the commission is to review applications for one-time disposal of obsolete records and schedules of records retention and disposition submitted by any employee of the District. Records may be disposed of by the District pursuant to the procedure outlined below. The commission may at any time review any schedule it has previously approved and may revise that schedule, in accordance with State law.
The Superintendent designates a Records Officer in each department/building who is responsible for all aspects of records retention, including electronic mail, within that department/building.
When the District Records Commission has approved an application for one-time disposal of obsolete records, or any schedule of records retention and disposition, the applications and/or schedules are sent to the Ohio History Connection (OHC) for review. The OHC will review the application or schedule within a period of 60 days. During this time, the OHC may select for its custody any records it considers to be of continuing historical value. The OHC will denote upon any schedule of records retention, and disposal, the records for which they will require a certificate of records disposal prior to their disposal. After the OHC has completed their review, OHC will forward the applications and/or schedules to the Auditor of State for their approval or disapproval. The Auditor of State must approve or disapprove the application and/or schedule within 60 days.
Before public records are disposed of pursuant to an approved schedule, the District must inform OHC of the disposal of only the records that OHC has requested to see. OHC is given the opportunity for a period of 15 days to select for its custody such public records as it considers to be of continuing historical value.2
Electronic Mail and Social Media Content
Electronic mail sent or received by the Board and/or District employees and social media content may be considered a public record subject to public disclosure or inspection under the Open Meetings Act (Sunshine Law). If the electronic mail or social media content is the District’s official record and meets the definition of a record as defined by State law, then the information must be retained in accordance with the District records retention schedule.
All Board and District electronic mail communications and social media content are monitored in accordance with the attached regulation to ensure that all electronic mail and social media public records are retained, archived and destroyed in compliance with State law.
District employees are subject to disciplinary action and possible termination for violation of this policy and regulation.
1Records include any document, device or item, regardless of physical form or characteristic, including an electronic record (as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section (RC) 1306.01), created or received by or coming under the jurisdiction of the District that serves to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations or other activities of the District, RC 149.011.
2The Ohio History Connection may not review or select for its custody the records set forth in RC 149.381(E).
Cross References