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Coventry Local Schools

Third Grade Guarantee

 Third Grade Reading Guarantee

What is it?

In June of 2012, the Ohio Department of Education enacted new legislation referred to as the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee is a program to identify students that are behind in reading from kindergarten through third grade. Schools will provide help and support to make sure students are on track for reading success by the end of third grade.

How it Works

According to the law, students in kindergarten through third grade will be evaluated to determine if they are reading as well as they should be. If a child appears to be falling behind in reading, Coventry Local Schools will develop a reading improvement and monitoring plan. This plan will address each student's unique reading problems. Teachers and administrators will work closely with parents to support each child and ensure that the child’s reading is improving.

Third grade students must meet a minimum score on the state reading test to move on to the fourth grade (excluding students with special circumstances). This score must be attained either in the fall or spring administration of the state reading test.

How it Helps

Studies on Florida's version of the Third Grade Guarantee show that students who remained in the third grade and received intensive reading instruction, improved dramatically in overall school performance in years following.

What can you do?

In addition to the work and support taking place at school, we believe that families can play a vital role in helping young children learn to read. Therefore, we encourage you to set aside 15 minutes every day to read with your child. In addition, we hope that you will visit the local library and provide opportunities for your child to observe you as a reader.