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Coventry Local Schools

Parent Notification System

Parent Notification

Instant Connect is a telephone and email messaging service used by Coventry to quickly and effectively communicate important school news to parents.

Coventry can use this service as needed for all urgent and non-urgent announcements throughout the school year. These include:

  •     Emergencies
  •     Closings, delays and early dismissals
  •     General reminder

How Parent Notification Works:

School officials can record voice messages and immediately send the messages to parents. Parents who have requested an email address be placed in the system will also receive and email message containing the content of the voice message.

Most messages will be sent after school hours when families are most likely to be at home.

When you're not at home, messages from Coventry will record on your answering machine or voicemail. If there's no answering device, the service will redial for up to three attempts.

 Managing Your Information:

You can manage your information via Final Forms. All Calls will generally be sent to the primary guardians home and cell numbers. Email address will also be utilized. Please be sure to keep your information up to date in the Final Forms portal to receive district messaging.