The Professional or Associate License Renewal Law, effective September 1998, changed the credential renewal process for all Ohio teachers. The intent of the law is to professionalize the renewal process itself and to require much closer connection between renewal activities and classroom practice. Therefore, the law establishes a local licensureboard and expands the definition of acceptable credits toward license/certification renewal, making it possible to receive credit for professional development activities that are designed and conducted within the working, collegial environment of the school and district.
The Coventry School District's Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC), operating under the requirements of SB 230 and policies established by the Coventry Local School Board, must review certificate/license renewal applications for all certified employees. This includes reviewing semester hours, professional workshops, and other Alternative Activities that are submitted for credit toward renewal. The LPDC bases recommendations for renewal on the teacher's Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) and its compliance with the guidelines of the law.
Coventry's LPDC meets the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 AM at the Junior High and last until approximately 8:45 AM. There are no meetings scheduled in July and August. The meetings are open to all!